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25. okt. 2024

For the OFF THE WALL exhibition

Koncept af Jakob Hindhede, Grafik af Bob Petra & kunst af Mads Hofmann.

Mads Hofmann, en autodidakt kunstner fra København, fremviser sin distinkte blanding af urban samtidskunst og figurativ kunst i Monday Studio, når vi endnu en gang opgiver den til pop-up-udstillingsserien OFF THE WALL!

Hofmanns malerier, der er kendt for at fusionere street art-påvirkninger med kontemplative, narrativt drevne værker, udforsker temaer om identitet, eksistens og de komplekse følelser i hverdagen.

Mads Hofmann (?) - spørger du stadig?

Mads Hofmann har altid været tiltrukket af kunst, med en tidlig fascination af street art og tegneserieillustrationer, der formede hans kreative vej. På trods af at han er autodidakt, er hans passion for at tegne og male aldrig faldet. "Jeg har altid tegnet og malet, så længe jeg kan huske," reflekterer Hofmann.

Hans kunst fungerer som en afspejling af hans tanker og følelser, som han kanaliserer til kraftfulde, ofte figurative billeder.

Hofmanns moderne urbane stil blander gadekunstens liv med introspektionen af nutidigt figurativt arbejde. Hans kærlighed til tegneserier og gadekultur skinner igennem i hans brug af dristige karakterer, ofte tilført sans for fortællende historiefortælling. Hvert stykke er en personlig udforskning, der fanger livets øjeblikke og transformerer dem til visuelle udtryk. ”Jeg bruger kunst til at reflektere og få mine tanker og følelser ned på papiret,” forklarer han.

... Exploring Identity and Expression through Art

Hofmann’s work often revolves around themes of identity, existentialism, and the raw reality of life. He seeks to engage viewers by creating emotional and atmospheric connections through his figures and compositions. “I always aim to create a feeling or mood,” he says. His paintings, while deeply personal, invite the audience into a shared space of reflection, challenging them to see familiar themes in new ways.

His creative process often oscillates between structure and chaos. While Hofmann maintains a relatively fixed routine, he admits that his thoughts can sometimes be unpredictable, leading to spontaneous creative outbursts. “There’s a certain rhythm to my routine, but my thoughts are always racing,” he notes. This balance between order and unpredictability lends a unique energy to his work.

Urban Contemporary: A Dialogue between Street and Figurative Art

Hofmann’s style is distinctly urban contemporary, a fusion of street art’s raw energy and figurative art’s narrative depth. He often draws on his love for street culture, blending it with existential musings that shape the world around him. "My passion for street art and comics still comes through in my work," Hofmann says, and his pieces reflect the intensity and vibrancy of those influences.

As a figurative artist, Hofmann focuses on creating emotion and atmosphere. His characters often serve as conduits for larger existential questions and human stories, drawing the viewer into a visual dialogue. His works not only represent the figures and forms he paints, but they also embody the narratives and reflections he gathers from life itself.

Visit Mads Hofmann at Monday Studio

Experience the unique urban contemporary vision of Mads Hofmann at Monday Studio:

Matthæusgade 21, Copenhagen.

His exhibition offers a deep exploration of identity, emotion, and the intersection of street culture and figurative art.

Through his vibrant and evocative works, Hofmann invites viewers into a world where raw urban energy meets reflective contemplation.

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